Risk Factors for Tooth Sensitivity

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Are you going to experience tooth sensitivity? Are you likely to? Understanding the signs can be half the battle, so we’ve put together this information on tooth sensitivity causes and risk factors for your educational purposes. We hope you enjoy.

When your pearly white’s roots are exposed due to receding gum lines prevalent in tooth decay or diminished enamel and cementum tooth layers, you’ll be at an amplified risk for tooth sensitivity. Exposure of the dentin layers will also make your teeth extra susceptible to pain from sensitivity, so retain the outer layer of your chompers strong by brushing twice per day. If you have undergone a dental bleaching treatment, it could also be instigating your pain.

There are some risk factors for tooth sensitivity you should be familiar with. While all ages can be affected, those most at risk for tooth sensitivity are aged 20-50. Between males and females, females are relatively more prone to be affected. Those with substantial gum recession (usually a result of periodontal disease) are additionally prone to be affected, as are those who don’t practice strong oral hygiene habits.

Kodiak, Alaska, inhabitants can pencil in an appointment with Dr. Joel Wiersum by dialing 907-486-3475 and speaking with the Alaska Smile Center staff.